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Why a Pedigree is so important to Purebred Puppies

Our aim at Purebred Puppies is to give families more chance of buying Pedigree Puppies that will grow up to be the loyal family friends that kids, grandparents and all of us in between deserve.


Knowing what the puppy should develop into as an adult, not just in looks but in temperament and health too, would help enormously towards achieving this. 


Pedigree dogs have lived and worked with humans for thousands of years. Their size and appearance and many behavioural traits, although not guaranteed, can be predicted to a great degree. By working to preserve pedigree breeds we hope to assist families get the right puppy for their lifestyle.


Purebred Puppies is a site dedicated to the small, caring and ethical Pedigree Dog Breeders of Australia and New Zealand.


To try to ensure breeders listed on Purebred Puppies are dedicated to preserving our remarkable purebred breeds we will ask breeders who list puppies on this website to provide evidence that they are currently exhibiting pedigree dogs or have bred puppies for people who are.  Alternatively breeders can provide evidence that dogs bred by them have attained Championship status in the past 5 years or success in a Dog Show ring, Obedience or Agility. 


Purebred Puppies would like to both acknowledge and thank International All Breeds dog judge Mrs Helen Furber B.A. M.A. Dip. Psy. for the majority of the breed information on this website, which was reprinted from her book "Furber's Concise Encyclopedia of Dogs".  Internationally renowned photographer the late Mr Michael Trafford kindly supplied the central breed photo and our thanks are extended to both Cabal & Ffire photography for their assistance.