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Breed Detail


Shoulder height: 46-60cm
Colour: Tricolour (black/brown/white in specified spots).
Coat: Weather resisting close lying outercoat with a dense undercoat.
Gait: Smoothly co-ordinated with strong fore reach and hind propulsion.
These handsome upstanding dogs present a picture of agility and stamina. The long rectangular head shows strength and refinement but without too much lippiness. The brown eyes are clear and the fairly high set ears hang to the side of the head. The long neck merges smoothly into well laid back shoulders, a strong powerful body and a deep chest. The hindquarters are well muscled and angulated. The tail or stern is a continuation of the back and carried out straight or in a slight sabre like manner.
Like most members of this scent hound family, when excited after picking up a good scent, they do not bark but bay deeply. They are very clean dogs, easily housebroken, and being particularly even tempered, make ideal house pets. They are particularly useful to people living in country areas where the hound also has an added advantage of enjoying plenty of exercise. Coat care is minimal and grooming is really bnly needed to give tone to the skin.
This breed was established in Sweden as a suitable dog to flush their game from the Swedish forests. Their evolvement is believed to have been brought about through crosses between the Holstein and Hanover Beagles, the Kurland Beagle and the  Foxhound. However, unlike Foxhounds and Beagles, these Swedish hounds were never kept in large hunting packs, but were trained to work either singly or in a pair. They took their name from the founder of the Swedish Kennel Club, Adolf P. Hamilton.