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Breed Detail

Italian Spinone

Italian Spinone

Shoulder height: 58-70cm (23”-27½”).
Colour: White, or with orange or brown markings which may be flecked.
Flesh coloured pigmentation.
Coat: Skin thick with a wiry harsh coat 3.8-6cm (l½”-2½”). Bushy eyebrows and moustache.
Gait: Free, relaxed and able to trot at a fast pace.
This strongly built member of the gundog family varies from the other members. They have long lean heads and large protruding noses. The eyes are large and vary in colour from deep yellow to ochre. The ears are long and pendant and covered in short hair. The strong rather short neck runs into broadly set shoulder blades, strong legs with slightly sloping pasterns. Short square body, strong hindquarters running down to compact feet with flesh coloured pads. Dewclaws should be left on all four legs. The docked tail is carried horizontally.
In Italy, the Spinoni is highly thought of and accepted as the most efficient gundog in that country. This all purpose wirehaired dog is extremely hardy, intrepid and will nonchalantly plunge through brambles or into water.
They have a characteristic fast trotting gait and are in their element in the country. By nature, this breed is docile, patient and sociable with a markedly sweet almost human expression. They love children and have the ability to guard their families. Periodical coat brushing is required.
Many centuries ago, coarse haired setters known as Spinones arrived in Italy with Greek traders. It is believed the breed type was evolved in the Piedmont area in the north west of Italy and in countries around the Adriatic Sea. Hypotheses have been presented that the breed incorporates early crosses with the Griffon and lines originating from Russia. Falling from favour in the early part of the 20th century, the breed almost died out until some conscientious breeders worked hard to restore it to its former fame.