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Breed Detail



Height at withers: Dogs 71-76 cm Bitches: 66-70 cm
Weight: Dogs: 48-62 kg Bitches: 37-50 kg
The dogs of this breed are strong and large and carry a dense, wavy, white coat. Their pleasing appearance radiates nobility and strength. The individual body parts fit together harmoniously, the limbs being neither too short nor too long. The bone structure is strong but not coarse. Well muscled, he shows a strong build, a lively temperament and great agility. 
The Kuvasz’s head is typically wedge shaped, in harmony with his body, pleasing, noble, and it shows a considerable strength. The Kuvasz can mainly be distinguished from other breeds by his head shape. The head is characteristically lean and dry. In dogs the head is slightly more massive than in bitches.
Seen from the side, the body forms a prone rectangle, only slightly differing from a square. The withers are long, rising markedly above the level of the back. The back is of medium length. Straight, broad, well muscled. The very dense coat gives the appearance of being slightly overbuilt.
The Kuvasz is brave and fearless. He defends the people entrusted to his care and his protection and their property, even with his life. He is self confident and may become aggressive if ill treated. He is faithful, dependable and loves his master and his surroundings. He needs plenty of exercise and must be kept busy. He is undemanding. His care is easy and he can stand very severe weather conditions. He appreciates any love and solicitude given to him. 
The coat is moderately harsh, wavy, slightly stiff, not tending to mat. Under the coarser topcoat, there is a finer downy undercoat. The head, ears and feet are covered by short (1-2 cm long) dense, smooth hair. The front and sides of the front legs as well as the hind legs below the stifles are covered by equally short (1-2 cm long) straight hair. On the body, upper thigh and upper arm, the coat is of medium length (4-12 cm long)
White, ivory colour is permitted. Noseleather, rim of eyelids and lips are black. Pads are black or slate grey. 
The Kuvasz is used as a watch and guard dog for houses, property and other valuables, as well as for people. He has also been used as a hunting and scenting dog. The Kuvasz is a long established, ancient Hungarian Shepherd Dog. His ancestors came
into the Carpathian basin at the time of occupation by the Magyars. These dogs were needed to watch and guard their flocks against beasts of prey and thieves. Because of his hunting instinct, the Kuvasz was the preferred hunting dog at the time of King Matthias Corvinus. Since the decline in stock-herding, he has much less been used for his original duties and he has settled in villages and later even in towns.