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Breed Detail

Lagotto Romagnolo

Lagotto Romagnolo

Dogs  43 - 48 cms (ideal height 46 cms). Bitches 41 - 46 cms (ideal height 43 cms).
Dogs 13 - 16 kgs, Bitches 11 - 14 kgs.
Small to medium-sized dog, well proportioned, powerfully built, of a rustic appearance, with a dense, curly coat of woolly texture.
A natural gift for searching and its very good nose has made the breed very efficient in truffle searching. 
The former hunting instinct has been modified by genetic selection; eliminated; hence his work is not distracted by the scent of game. The Lagotto is tractable, undemanding, keen affectionate, very attached to his owner and easy to train. He is also a very good companion and an excellent watch-dog.
The head viewed from above is trapezoidal in shape (a four sided shape with no two sides parallel) and moderately broad.
Coat is of woolly texture, never twisted to form thin cords, semi-rough on the surface, with tight, ring shaped curls, with visible undercoat. Curls must be evenly distributed all over the body and tail, except on the head, where the curls are not as tight forming abundant eyebrows, whiskers and beard. Even the cheeks are covered with thick hair. The topcoat and specially the undercoat are water-proof. 
Off-white solid colour, white with brown or orange patches, brown roan, brown (in different shades) with or without white, orange with or without white. Some dogs have a brown to dark brown mask. Tan markings (in different shades) allowed.
Ancient breed of retrieving water dogs in the lowlands of Comacchio and marshlands of Ravenna. During the centuries, the great marshlands were drained and turned into arable land. Subsequently the Lagotto changed from being a water dog to an excellent dog for searching truffles in the flat open country and in the hills of Romagna.