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Breed Detail

Maremma Sheepdog

Maremma Sheepdog

Shoulder height: Approx. 60-74cm (23’½”-29”).
Colour: All white - shading of ivory or fawn acceptible.
Coat: Hair short on muzzle, skull, ears feet and front of legs. Outercoat plentiful and rather harsh.Undercoat: thick and close.
Gait: Free, active, nimble - able to turn quickly.
This majestic dog, although large, must be lithe in movement. The conical shaped head narrows to the slightly shorter muzzle. Nose and pigmentation must be black. The almond shaped eyes are dark. The ‘V’ shaped ears are set high on the skull and are pendant. The neck is only medium in length and runs into sloping shoulder blades with withers set slightly higher than the back. The body is slightly longer than the shoulder height. The croup slopes to a low set tail which may be carried above the level of the back when the dog is alert. Strong fore and hindquarters have a moderate angulation. The pasterns slope slightly and the feet are large.
These dogs must be intelligent, courageous but not aggressive. Although not as large as some of the other guard dogs, the Maremma must be strong enough to kill a hungry wolf should it threaten the flocks or come too close to his family. He is a tough dog who must stand the perils of cold winters while carrying out his guarding duties. His loyalty is unquestionable and he makes a wonderful pet. Like all dogs with a thick undercoat, periodic brushing is necessary to remove dead hairs and stop the coat becoming matted.
Not being dissimilar to the Pyrenean Mountain Dog, it is presumed they share the same heritage. Believed to be a direct descendant of early Asian guard dogs in particular the Abruzzese and the Maremmana, it was in Italy where the breed type was developed - the principal function originally being pastoral.