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Breed Detail

Miniature Pinscher

Miniature Pinscher

Shoulder height: 25.5-30cm (10”-12”).
Colour: Solid red, black, blue or chocolate with tan in designated areas.
Coat: Smooth, hard short and straight. Gait: Co-ordinated to permit the true high stepping hackney action.
These sturdy elegant smooth coated toy dogs give the appearance of being totally confident. The dark eyes are placed mid way in the narrow elongated head. Two types of ear carriages are permitted (1) V-shaped and carried erect at 5 to 1 o’clock (2) the same but with the tips falling forward.The gracefully arched neck runs into slightly angulated forequarters and a compact back which slopes down towards the rear. The topline slopes slightly towards the rear with well developed long and well angulated hindquarters. The tail is customary docked very short and carried high.
Self-possessed and spirited, these little dogs make excellent house pets. Always looking like clean cut little dandies, they present many characteristics of the larger Dobermann. They are easily trained and are good watchdogs. Having a big dog’s temperament in a little dog’s frame make Min. Pins. ideal companions for both the young and old. Coat care is usually minimal, but nails should be checked to see they do not get too long.
Also known as the ‘Rey Pinscher’ due to their resemblance to a small variety of deer in Germany, records have noted the existence of this breed as far back as 1836 — long before their look alike cousin the Dobermann was developed. In the old stables throughout Europe, good ratters were needed to reduce the ever present rats, mice and vermin. By crossing Dachshunds (for their hunting instincts) and Italian Greyhounds (for their speed), the Miniature Pinscher was evolved. In 1895 the Pinscher Klub of Germany was formed and an official standard for the breed was written soon after.