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Breed Detail

Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever

Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever

Shoulder height: 45-51cm (18”-20”) 
Colour: Red or orange. White allowable on tail tip, chest and head blaze.
Coat: Water repellent double coat. Smooth on face. Gait: Springy, jaunty gait. Single tracking at the trot.
The ‘Toller’ has a compact strong body with muscular quarters and webbed feet for swimming. Unlike many gundog breeds these dogs carry their tail erect when alerted. The wedge shaped head is surmounted by high set pendant ears. The colour of the nose matches the hair colour; skin colour matches the colour of the coat. Rear and fore angulation must balance and legs are straight with slightly sloping pasterns.
To ‘toll’ means to lure and it was for this purpose these dogs were evolved to assist hunters. They would be encouraged to jump and play on the shoreline in the hope their actions would soon lure inquisitive ducks into the firing range of the hunters. On the domestic scene, they have been found to have wonderful temperaments, and being highly intelligent, they are easy to train. They have a thick double coat and need periodic brushing to remove the dead hair.
Tollers were evolved in Nova Scotia in the early 19th century to retrieve ducks from the surrounding icy waters. Like the other breeds that emerged in this part of the world, the Newfoundland, the originators of the Labrador and the Chesapeake Bay Retriever (who shares the same colouring), these dogs all excel in swimming and retrieving.