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Breed Detail


Sight hunting.  The nomads considered the dog equally as a show piece and as a companion.
It is an African sighthound of afro-asian type which appeared in Europe towards 1970 and comes from the Nigerian middle basin, among others from the valley of the Azawakh.  For hundreds of years he has been the companion of the nomads of the South-Sahara.
Particularly high in the leg and elegant, the Azawakh sighthound gives a general impression of great fineness.  His bone structure and musculature are transparent beneath fine and lean tissues (skin).  This sighthound presents itself as a racy dog whose body fits into a rectangle with its longer sides in vertical position.
Temperament: Quick, attentive, distant, reserved with strangers and may even be unapproachable, but he can be gentle and affectionate with those he is willing to accept.
Skin: Fine, tight over the whole of the body
Hair: Short, fine, down to none on the belly.
Colour:  Fawn with flecking limited to the extremities.  All shades are admitted from light sable to dark fawn.  The head may or may not have a black mask and the blaze is very inconstant.  The coat has a white bib and a white brush at the tip of the tail. Each of the four limbs must have compulsorily a white stocking, at least in shape of a trace on the feet.  The black brindling is admitted.
Sizes: Height at the withers: Dogs : between 64 and 74 cm. Bitches : between 60 and 70 cm.
Weight: Dogs : about 20 - 25 kg.  Bitches : about 15 - 20 kg.