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Breed Detail

Russian Toy

Size: Height at shoulders for dogs and bitches 20–28 cm. Dogs and bitches can weigh up to 3 kg.
A small elegant dog, lively, long-legged, with fine bone and lean muscles. There is not much difference between males and females. The Russian Toy has a square build. The height at elbows is only slightly more than half of the height at shoulders and the chest is sufficiently deep. Its head is small compared to the body.
Eyes are quite large, rounded, dark, slightly prominent, set well apart and looking straight ahead. Eyelids are dark or matching the coat colour, tightly fitting. Ears are big, thin, set high, erect.
In the Smooth-haired the coat is short, close-lying, shiny hair, without undercoat or bald patches.
In the Longhaired the body is covered with moderately long (3-5 cm), straight  or  slightly wavy hair,  close-lying, which does not hide the natural outline of the  body. This variety has distinct feathers on rear side of limbs. The feet have long, silky hair  which completely hides the nails. Ears are covered with thick, long hair forming a fringe. 
Colour for both coat types is black and tan, brown and tan, blue and tan. Also red of any shade with or without black or brown overlay.
Active, very cheerful, neither cowardly nor aggressive.  They are an easy to care for breed. The behaviour is significantly different between males and females. 
At the beginning of the 20th century, the English Toy Terrier was one of the most popular toy dogs in Russia. However, in the period 1920–1950 the breeding of pure toy terriers was almost stopped and the number of dogs fell to a critical level. Only in the mid-fifties did Russian dog-breeders begin the revival of the breed. The Standard drafted for Toy Terriers significantly differed from that of the English Toy Terrier in many aspects and the evolution of the breed in Russia went its own way.
On the 12th of October 1958 a mating of two smooth-haired dogs, one of which had slightly longer hair, produced a male dog with a spectacular fringes on ears and limbs. It was decided to keep this feature so the Russian Toy has two varieties, Longhaired and smooth-haired.