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Breed Detail

Spanish Mastiff

Height at the shoulder: Minimum size for males 77 cm; Minimum size for females 72 cm
It is desirable that the size in males is over 80 cm, and in females over 75cm. There is no upper limit.
It is a dog of great size, taller than average, of medium proportions. Well balanced, very powerful and muscular. Compact bone structure. Massive head and a body covered with a semi-long coat. Most important are balance and functional harmony in the dog standing as well as on the move. His bark is raucous, low-pitched and deep, very sonorous, audible from a considerable distance.
He is a very intelligent dog, not without beauty, whose expression manifests both these qualities. Rustic, affectionate, kind and noble, he is very determined when facing dangerous animals and in front of strangers, especially when he has the opportunity to defend and protect farms or cattle. In his behaviour, one can see it is a dog sure of himself, determining his strength because he is aware of his enormous power.
The coat is dense, thick, medium length, smooth, distributed all over the body down to the between the toes. Two types of coat are distinguished; covering coat on the back and another protecting type on the ribcage and the flanks. Shorter on the legs, longer and silky on the tail.
The colours most popular are self-coloured like yellow, fawn, red, black, wolf colour and deer colour. Also allowable are the combined colours like brindle, parti-coloured or dogs with a white collar.
Guard and defense. The breed is closely related to the seasonal moving in the livestock, and especially the Merino livestock which he already accompanied at the time of the “Mesta” (association, in the Middle-age, of breeders of the wandering herds) by defending them from wolves and other predators, all along their journey from one location to another and on the grazing pastures, in all seasons and sites. Actually he accompanies numerous herds, whether sedentary or wandering by fulfilling his ancestral task. He performs in the same way the function of guard and protection of farms, people and properties in general.