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Breed Detail

Swedish Lapphund

Sizes: Height at Shoudlers: Ideal size for males 48 cm. Ideal size for females 43 cm 
The Swedish Lapphund is a typical spitz dog of slightly less than medium size with a proud head carriage. The important proportions are a rectangular body shape. The Swedish Lapphund appears shorter in leg than the Finnish Lapphund due to the fact that the rib cage is deeper than the Finnish Lapphund. 
The skull is slightly longer than broad, and the nose is preferably dark. Eyes are set well apart, round, fairly big, but not protruding, preferably dark brown and full of expression. The ears are triangular, broad at the base, small, and pricked, with the tips slightly rounded. They are set well apart and very mobile. The back is level and strong, muscular and springy with the chest reaching to the elbow, and the fore chest is well developed with a well defined breastbone. The belly is slightly tucked up. The tail is rather high set, reaching to the hock when extended. Carried over the back when moving.
The coat is a profuse double coat. Bushy, long and dense on the tail. Forming a ruff around the neck. The colour is usually solid black.
He is lively, alert, kind and affectionate and also very receptive and willing to work. Nowadays the breed is foremost kept as a companion dog, it is very versatile, suitable for obedience training, agility, herding, tracking etc.
The Swedish Lapphund is a refinement of the many northern dog breeds. The Lapphund is descended from dogs which were used primarily in the guarding and keeping of reindeer, ie keeping the herd stationary. In the 1800’s the Sami or (lapps) inuett people herded their reindeer through what is today Finland, Sweden & Russia. The reindeer where moved up & down the country using the Samoyed, Finnish & Swedish Lapphunds. In the late 1800’s & early 1900’s the tribes found this way of life harder to maintain, so the breeds split, the Samoyed to Russia, Finnish Lapphund to Finland & the Swedish Lapphund to Sweden. 
The Lapphund is very receptive and willing to work. Its abilities as a good guard and herding dog made it very useful in the reindeer-trade.