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Breed Detail

Tenterfield Terrier

Tenterfield Terrier

Size: Height at shoulder 25.5 to 30.5cms (10 to 12 ins) with the ideal being 28cms (11 ins). The coat is always short and smooth and is predominately white with black, tan or liver markings. The tail is unusual bob tails often occur so it is equally correct in any length.
The Tenterfield Terrier has pleasing proportions, with equal measurements from wither to ground and wither to rear point of buttock. The length of the head and neck should always be in balance to the whole of the dog.
The Tenterfield Terrier is a strong, hardy, affectionate and intelligent working terrier of great versatility. He is confident and eager to learn, showing great loyalty to its owner and although fearless and bold at work, he is an ideal companion dog in the home. A keen, intelligent and alert expression is denoted by the carriage of the ears and erect tail.
His head is medium sized, in proportion to body. When viewed from the front and side should be wedge shaped with strength in the muzzle. The preferably dark eyes are slightly oval in shape. The ears are V shaped with slightly rounded tips, not wide or large at the base, but set high on the outer edge of the skull. They can be erect or semi-erect. If semi-erect the top third of the ear tips forward. The length of the ear to be roughly equal to the width between the ears. The ears are of a thin texture (not thick).
Tail: Can be any length, high set and erect when alert and carried gaily, showing bold temperament.
Colour is predominantly white with black, tan or liver markings of any shade. Tri colouring is common (i.e., white with black or white with liver markings and tan cheeks and/or tan above eyes and/or tan breeches). Brindle markings acceptable but not preferred. Full colour coats are not acceptable. Skin should always be pigmented.
Jane Harvey writes that the smooth coated Tenterfield Terrier developed in England centuries ago to kill vermin on sailing ships. On reaching their destination, these little dogs survived as human companions.  They were the first British dogs to come to Australia from England, travelling with the First Fleet from Portsmouth in the South of England where these small smooth coated ratting terriers were common. In Australia, these vermin killers became known as the ‘Mini Foxie’.  Although popular with the public they were only on a Development Register until 1992, when the breed became ANKC recognized as a pure breed. This required a new name because the breed was not a miniature of the Fox Terrier. So a ballot of owners was taken, resulting in 85% favoring the name “Tenterfield Terrier”. This was in recognition of George Woolnough, otherwise known as the “Tenterfield Saddler” whose dogs were well known throughout the Tenterfield district in NSW.