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Breed Detail

West Highland White Terrier

West Highland White Terrier

Shoulder height: Approx. 28cm (11”).
Colour: White - with black nose, pads and toe nails.
Coat: Outercoat - Harsh, straight and about Scm (2”) in length. Undercoat - dense and short
Gait: Good reach and drive - hind legs a little close.
These small game hardy terriers display loads of cocky self esteem. The heads are well covered with hair, the skulls are strong with slightly shorter powerful muzzles. The small erect ears are covered in short velvety hair. The long strong neck merges into sloping shoulders, ‘a compact body and a level topline. The sinewy hindquarters are particularly powerful and the thickly padded round feet are covered with harsh hair. The tail is about 13-15cm (5”-6”) long and like other terriers originating in Scotland, is left undocked.
Westies have merry light hearted ways and being slightly calmer in temperament if than many other terriers, they make endearing house pets. However, they do retain a strong will and like to have their needs respected. They love adults and children alike, and enjoy being included in ball games. One of the Westies’ virtues is that they have no doggy odour. Occasional baths and regular grooming is needed to remove dead hair and reduce shedding.
Like other strains of terriers evolving in Scotland; the Westie no doubt results from blends of the Scottish Terrier, Cairn and Dandie Dinmonts. In Argyllshire, ‘earth-dogges’ were recorded as far back as the 17th century during the reign of King James I. Sometimes known as Poltalloch Terriers (the name of the Malcolm family estate) or, Roseneath Terriers (when bred by the Duke of Argyll), the breed type of the white variety was established and the first recognized show for West Highland Whites was held in London in 1907.