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Breed Detail

Bearded Collie

Bearded Collie

Shoulder height: 51-56cm (20”-22”).
Colour: Black, shades of grey, blue, brown or sandy with or without white markings.
Coat: Outercoat is harsh, shaggy, flat or slightly waved. The undercoat is soft on the bridge of the nose, the hair is short.
Gait: Supple, smooth and long reaching with a minimum of effort.
These lean active dogs with their slightly longer bodies present an active self confident picture. Their widely spaced eyes with bright enquiring expressions are set under arched eyebrows which are placed midway between the flat square skull and the strong muzzle. The ribcage must not be barrcllcd and the fore and hindquarters are well angulated. The low set tail is long and carried in an upward swirl at its tip.
Bearded Collies are intelligent and self confident working dogs who are easily trained, and although not aggressive, they will give a warning bark.
Exercise need be little more than a run in the park or a game with a frisbee or a ball. They thrive on close companionship. Regular brushing is needed to keep the dog free from knots. Using a pin brush, the hair should be lifted so that the brush stroke commences at the root of the hair and then worked downwards.
For centuries, these herders have been popular in Scotland where they were also known as the Highland or Mountain Collie, others believe they come down from the Russian Owtchar and arrived from Poland by ship with a cargo of sheep where they were exchanged for other goods. The Bearded Collies’ weather resisting coats and love of outdoor life coupled with their acute instincts in herding sheep, ducks and other farm life, made them indispensable to the Scottish crofters. It is from the Bearded Collie that the Old English Sheepdog was evolved.