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Breed Detail

White Swiss Shepherd Dog

Sizes: Height at shoulders: Dogs 60-66 cm. Bitches 55-61 cm
Weight: Dogs 30-40 kg. Bitches 25-35 kg
A powerful, well-muscled, medium-sized, white shepherd dog with erect ears, double coat or long double coat; elongated shape; medium sized bone an elegant, harmonious outline.
Moderately long rectangular body shape. Head strong, free of loose skin and finely chiselled, in good proportion to the body. The muzzle is powerful and moderately long in relation to the skull.
Lively, without nervousness, attentive and watchful; towards strangers slightly aloof but never apprehensive or aggressive. The coat is white in colour, of medium length, dense, close-lying double coat or long double coat with abundant undercoat covered with hard, straight protection hair. The face, ears and front of the legs are covered with shorter hair. At the neck and the back of the legs the coat is slightly longer. Slightly wavy, hard hair is permitted.
In the U.S.A. and Canada white shepherd dogs have gradually become accepted as a distinct breed.
The first dogs of this breed were imported into Switzerland in the early 70s. The American male “Lobo”, whelped on 5th March, 1966, can be considered as the progenitor of the breed in Switzerland. The descendants of that male registered with the Swiss Stud Book (LOS) and other white shepherd dogs imported from the U.S.A. and Canada, gradually multiplied. There exists now a big number of white shepherd dogs, pure bred, over several generations, distributed throughout Europe. For that reason, since June 1991, these dogs have been registered as anew breed with the appendix of the Swiss Stud Book (LOS).