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Breed Detail

Black & Tan Coonhound

Black & Tan Coonhound

The size measured at the shoulder is 25 to 27 inches for males and 23 to 25 inches for females. The coat is short but dense to withstand rough going.
As the name implies, the colour is coal black with rich tan markings above eyes, on sides of muzzle, chest, legs and breeching, with black pencil markings on toes. 
The head is cleanly modelled.  From the back of the skull to the nose the head measures from 9 to 10 inches in males and slightly smaller in females. 
The Black and Tan Coonhound is roughly square, with moderate bone and good muscle tone. Males are heavier in bone and muscle tone than females.
They have parallel plains with a medium stop, and their almost round eyes are hazel to dark brown in colour. The ears are a feature of the breed, being low set and hanging in graceful folds, giving the dog a majestic appearance. In length they extend naturally well beyond the tip of the nose and are set at eye level or lower.  The neck is muscular, with powerfully constructed shoulders and straight forelegs. The back is level, powerful and strong, with well sprung ribs, the chest reaches at least to the elbows, and the hindquarters are well boned and muscled.  When viewed from the side, the stride of the Black and Tan Coonhound is easy and graceful with plenty of reach in front and drive behind. When in action, his head and tail carriage is proud and alert, the topline remains level and the tail is carried at approximately a right angle to back.
They have an even temperament, and are outgoing and friendly. As a working scent hound, they must be able to work in close contact with other hounds.  The expression is alert, friendly and eager. 
The Black and Tan Coonhound is first and fundamentally a working dog, a trail and tree hound, capable of withstanding the rigors of winter, the heat of summer, and the difficult terrain over which he is called upon to work. 
Used principally for trailing and treeing raccoon, the Black and Tan Coonhound runs his game entirely by scent. The characteristics and courage of the Coonhound also make him proficient on the hunt for deer, bear, mountain lion and other big game.