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Breed Detail

Cane Corso

Cane Corso

Sizes: Height at shoulder): Males from 64 to 68 cm: Females from 60 to 64 cm
Weight: Males 45 to 50kg: Females 40 to 45 kg 
A medium to large sized dog. Robust and sturdy but nevertheless elegant. Lean with powerful muscles. He is now used as a guard, protection, police or tracking dog. Important proportions: The length of the head reaches 36% of the height at the withers. The dog is somewhat longer than high.
Temperament: He is a guardian of property, family and livestock and is extremely agile and responsive. In the past it has been used for herding cattle and hunting big game.
Coat: Short, shiny and very dense with a light undercoat.
Colour: Black, lead-grey, slate grey, light grey, light fawn, stag red and dark fawn, brindle (stripes of different shades of fawn or grey). In fawn coloured and brindle dogs the black or grey mask on the muzzle should not go beyond the line of the eyes. A small white patch on the chest, on the tips of the feet and on the bridge of the nose is acceptable.