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Breed Detail

Central Asian Shepherd Dog

The Central Asian Shepherd Dog is of harmonious build and large stature, moderately long (neither long nor short in body).
Robust, muscular body, voluminous, but not with visible muscles.  The males are more massive and courageous than females with more pronounced withers and a larger head. Full maturity is reached by the age of 3 years.
Males: Minimum 70 cms. Females: Minimum 65 cms.
Weight: Males: Minimum 50 kgs. Females: Minimum 40 kgs.
Self assured, balanced quiet, proud and independent. The dogs are very courageous and have high working capacity, endurance and a natural instinct of territory. Fearlessness towards large predators is a characteristic feature.
Central Asia Shepherd Dog (CASD) is one of the most ancient breed of dogs. They were formed as a breed from natural selection during more than four thousand years in the vast territory, which spreads nowadays from the Caspian Sea to China and from Southern Ural to Afghanistan. Its heritage is from the most ancient dogs of Tibet, Cattle Dogs from various nomad tribes’ dogs that are closely related to the Mongolian Shepherd Dog and the Tibetan Mastiff. The CASD were mainly used to protect cattle, caravans and the owner’s dwellings, and being exposed to rigid natural selection. Hard living conditions and constant struggle against predators have had influence on the shape as well as the dog’s character and it has made it strong, fearless, and taught it to save its energy. In the places of primordial habitation, the CASD were used mainly to protect herds from predators and also as guard dogs. The work with the breed started in the USSR in the 1930s.