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Breed Detail

Cesky Terrier

Cesky Terrier

Short legged, long haired, well made and well muscled Terrier with smallish drop ears; of a rectangular form.
Ideal Measurements: Male & Female Height at withers 29 cm; Length of body 43 cm 
Head And Skull: Shaped like a long, blunt, not too broad wedge, the toplines of the forehead and of the bridge of the nose make a distinct break from leve
Coat: Skin - Firm, thick, without wrinkles or dewlap, pigmented. The Cesky Terrier’s coat is clipped. The hair is not to be clipped at the forepart of the head , thus forming brows and beard. The hair should also not be clipped on the lower parts of the legs and under the chest and belly, .
Texture - Hair long, fine but firm (strong) slightly wavy with a silky gloss; not too overdone (abundant).