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Breed Detail

Chinese Crested Dog

Chinese Crested Dog

Shoulder height: 23-33cm (9”-13”).
Colour: Any colour or combination of colours.
Coat: Hairless - Fine grained smooth skin which is warm to the touch.
A crest of hair on the skull, tufted feet and plumed tail.
Powderpufls - A soft veil of long hair growing through the undercoat covering the Whole body.
Gait: Elegant flowing movement with a good drive. 
These graceful little toy dogs come in two types (a) the deer type which is racy and finer boned and (b) the compact type with heavier bone. The widely set dark eyes are placed midway in an elongated fine skull. The large ears are normally erect with or without fringe, but in Powder Puffs, the ears may be dropped. The long neck carries the head high, and the strong lean body is set on long lean legs. Hindquarters are well angulated and hindlegs which are set wide apart end with long hare shaped feet. In action, the plumed tail is carried up and out.
Being very affectionate with people, these dogs make ideal pets for those in apartments and for the elderly. The Chinese Cresteds have the unusual ability of grip with their paws in an almost human fashion. Care must be taken to see that in the hairless variety the skin does not get too dry or sunburnt. The skin of the hairless variety feels warm to the touch due to the fact their body temperature is about 2.2° (4°F) higher than that of humans.
A soft brush is needed to groom the delicate hair of these dogs.
Although the origin of this breed is lost in obscurity, it is certain that they had no association with China. Hairless breeds have existed in the Americas and Asia since time immemorial. Most similar to the Chinese Cresteds is the Mexican Hairless, while more distant cousins are the Turkish Naked Dog, the African Sand dog and the Abyssinian dog all of whom share the same absence of hair. It appears that the hairlessness may be linked to dentition as these breeds often lack a full set of 42 teeth.