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Breed Detail

Cocker Spaniel (American)

Cocker Spaniel (American)

Shoulder height: 33.75-39.25cm (13½”-15½”).
Colour: Parti-colour, black or ASCOB i.e. Any Solid Colour Other than Black (including roans) - with or without tan markings. 
Coat: Silky, flat or slightly wavy but not so long as to impede action. On the head and top of ears, the hair is shorter.
Gait: Smoothly co-ordinated with strong fore reach and hind propulsion.
Differing from the English Cocker Spaniel in the shape of the head, hindquarters and size, the American Cocker is the smallest member of the Gundog group. The skull is well rounded with a definite stop and square muzzle. The low set ears are well feathered and hang to the side of the head. The body is compact and the topline slopes slightly to the tail which in action, should wag merrily. The hindquarters are angulated with clearly defined thighs.
Easily adaptable to both country or city apartment life, these spaniels are very popular in America where they have earned their place as a favourite.
They love people, are extremely loyal and are easy to train. While not excelling in guard dog duties, they do very well in obedience classes. When trained to the gun, they are expected to cover all the ground within shooting distance, and once the game has been flushed out, the dog will sit and wait for his master to fire his gun. On a further command, the dog then will retrieve the game from either water or land. Regular brushing and combing is essential to keep the coat free of knots. 
The spaniel family can be traced back to the mid 14th century in Spain where ‘spaynells’ were used for either water or land retrieving, and ‘cocking’ spaniels for their proficiency with Woodcock. It was not until approximately 1880 that the Cocker Spaniel arrived in America from Britain and from those dogs, the Americans developed their new strain.