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Breed Detail



The desirable weight for the Dachshund is 9-12 kgs.
The desirable weight for the Dachshund Miniature is 4.5-5 kgs.
In proļ¬le, the Dachshund is a long, low dog with a level topline.
The head is to be long and appear conicle when viewed from above, from the side it is to taper uniformly to the tip of the nose.
The body should be moderatley long and full muscled. Sloping shoulders and back reasonably level. 
In Australia all colours are permissable except for white (barring a small patch on the chest). The dapple colour should be evenly marked throughout. Other colours include Black and Tan, Red, Shaded Red, Cream, Shaded Cream. Chocolate, and some other variations.
The Dachshund's gait should be free and flowing.
The Smooth Haired coat should be dense, short and smooth. The skin should be loose and supple but well fitting all over. There should be little or no wrinkles.
The Long Haired coat should be soft and straight (or only slightly waived). The hair should be its longest under the neck, on the underparts of the body and behind the legs where it forms abundant feathering, on the tail where it forms a flag. The outside of the ears well feathered, the coat flat.
The body of the Wire Haired Dachshund with exception of the jaw, eyebrows, chin and ears. should be covered with short, straight, harsh coat with dense undercoat. There should be a beard on the chin, eyebrows bushy, but hair on the ears almost smooth.
The Dachshund is required to have intelligence, strength, endurance and versatility, a long body with relatively short legs and three different coat types, all of which combine to enable it to fulfil its purpose.
The intelligence, obedience and size of these dogs make them ideal companions in the city or the country. They are full of character and are quick to defend themselves and thus make excellent watchdogs. Although eager to please, there are times when their independence makes them stubborn. They are popular pets having no doggy odour and are easy to keep clean - naturally the Long and Wire Coated Varieties take a little more grooming. 
Originating in Germany, the Dachshund (Teckel) was bred to hunt small game. predominantly badger, that goes to ground.  The dog was required to scent, track and pursue game into burrows. The Dachshund was required to move over all types of terrain, including dense undergrowth and water.
They take their name from the German word ‘dachs’ meaning badger. Being short legged makes them ideal for going into burrows. The shortened legs are believed to have been brought about by a mutation of genes. The Miniature Dachshund is the Standard variety bred down for rabbit burrows.The Wirehaired variety arose from an infusion of Dandie Dinmont lines and the Longhaired variety through crosses with German Stoberhunds.