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Breed Detail

English Toy Terrier

English Toy Terrier

Shoulder height: 25-30cm
Colour: Black/tan.
Coat: Glossy, dense and smooth.
Gait: An extended trot is required - high stepping hackney gaits are to be faulted.
These elegant, sleek, cleanly built toy dogs should still give the appearance of being keen rat hunters. The erect ‘candle flame’ ears which are the hallmark of the breed, are placed high on the back of the long, narrow wedge shaped head. The small obliquely set almond shaped eyes should sparkle with interest. The gracefully arched neck runs into a compact body with a very slight arch in the topline which then runs into a low set, low carried tail.
Fine boned legs and well arched dainty feet are breed standard requirements.
Due to requirements of days long past, which called for these terriers to acquit themselves as ratters, today’s specimen still combines the plucky spirit, alertness and the speed of their ancestors. Besides being a game little dog, the intelligence of this breed makes them good watch dogs and loyal family friends. Weighing no more than 3.6kg (6-8lb), this breed is ideal for small homes and has the added virtue of clean easily maintained coats.
Sometimes known as the Manchester Toy Terrier, they differ from their cousin the Manchester Terrier, in that they are about 12cm or S” shorter and secondly their ear tips do not drop forward. The origins of these dogs are found in the early English Black and Tan Terrier — a breed whose records go back to 1570. In earlier days, the primary purpose of these terriers was to keep the rat and mice population down in stables and yards, but they also fulfilled the sporting activities of rabbit coursing and competing in the rat pit. The arched topline and extra speed is due to crosses to the Whippet and smaller size from the Italian Greyhound.