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Breed Detail

Flat Coated Retriever

Flat Coated Retriever

Shoulder height: 56-61cm
Colour: Black or liver
Coat: Flat, dense coat of fine to medium texture with good feathering.
Gait: Fore and hindlegs reach well out with strong hind propulsion. 
These clean cut retrievers of the gundog group show power without lumber and raciness without weediness. The medium sized eyes are set midway between the flat skull and the strong muzzle. The small ears drop to the side of the cheeks. The clean neck should run into a strong body with a deep chest. The feathered tail is never carried much above the level of the back and in length should reach the hock. Only a moderate bend of stifle is called for and the feet must be well padded and strongly arched.
Easily trained to work in the field as a hunting and flushing Retriever, it is not unusual to see these Retrievers carrying something around in their mouth. Their jaws should be broad enough to balance a pheasant in their mouths without breaking the skin (an essential requirement for the restaurant proprietors). Having a strong affinity with water, they take to it like a duck. As a family pet, they are entertaining and lovable, but may be a little energetic for young children or the elderly. Basically a clean dog, a quick brush once a week will keep the coat clean and healthy. Ears should be regularly checked to see they have no odours or discharges.
Originally known as the Gamekeeper’s Dog or Wavy Coated Retriever, it is believed this breed evolved from blendings of the Curly Coated Retriever, the Newfoundland and the Labrador Retriever. It is not unreasonable to believe that some Gordon and Irish Setter crosses also took place which resulted in this breed’s characteristic coat pattern. In 1859, wavy coated retrievers were shown in England and the breed was well established at the time of the formation of the British Kennel Stud Book in 1874.